Monday, October 9

For Sasha

Look at the three balloons
Hope you can see them, Sasha
It was in Lund, at one late afternoon
I took the picture for you
Against the cold wind in autumn
And hope that
I can still hear you say "wow.. balloons!"

And look at the other picture
It's a moon
I can also remember how you pronounce "moown" for moon
It was a midnight moon in Malmo
I took it for you and for our beloved ones
Thought that the same moon has been to Jakarta
and then to Singapore
and then to Sweden
We saw the same moon, Sasha

Let's look at the moon if we miss each other
So at least we know we share the same moon, the same sky
We are still under the same universe...

I miss you, BIG girl!

PS. Alim, thanks for the inspiration