Thursday, January 18

If you can't see the finish line, that's because it's behind you!

Kebanyakan temen2 gue bilang gue suka khawatir sama hal2 yang gak perlu. Mungkin ada benernya juga, karena gue sering takut sama hal2 kecil yang sebenarnya cuma bagian kecil dari hidup, yang mungkin gak bakal kejadian juga. Tapi gue udah berusaha belajar untuk tidak terlalu paranoid tentang hal kecil and thanks to those people who have listened to my overthought worries. Juga buat orang2 yang tanpa sadar udah mengajarkan gue buat lebih relax menjalani hidup. Proverbs such as: 'Let's worry about it later', 'Panic doesn't help' atau 'Be brave!' gue dapet dari bos2 di kantor. Some wisdoms and other simple things yang seringkali bikin beban kerja gue jauh lebih ringan setelah sharing sama mereka.

I miss them. I miss those comforting words. Kali ini, ada satu hal lagi yang mengingatkan gue untuk lebih relax dan berhenti mengkhawatirkan hal-hal yang belum tentu terjadi. Daily horoscope yang gue temuin di internet. Lucu aja karena sejak di sini gue gak pernah lagi baca ramalan bintang kaya' di Indonesia (soalnya gak ngerti bahasanya. Hehe). Anyway, ramalan bintang ini bikin gue bertanya sama diri sendiri: "Have I gone too far with my confusions lately?" Hmmm.. mungkin juga. I know I have too much worries and too much "I don't know"s about things I am up to now. Apalagi sejak balik ke sekolah, rasanya semua hal yang gue temuin di sini baru semua. Walaupun satu semester udah lewat, dan so far so good, tapi tetep ada kebingungan juga kaya': nanti mau nulis tesis apa, mau ngerjain apa setelah pulang, how my personal life will be, how my family will be, how will I settle my family and work at the same time, dan banyak hal yang masih jauh banget dan gak bakal bisa gue liat ke mana arahnya sekarang.

Capek banget terus2an mengkhawatirkan atau at least berpikir tentang hal2 di atas. So I guess I dare to say: No more worries anymore. Here I am, heading to the next day without fear. :)


Daily Horoscope, January 18, 2007

The Bottom Line:
If you can't see the finish line, that's because it's behind you! Take a break.

In Detail:
If you can't see the finish line in the near distance, don't get frustrated -- turn around! There you'll see it, miles behind you. You have been going at such a furious clip for so long that you may very well have gone right past your original goal. You could just keep moving toward the next milestone, but the stars say it's time for you take a break. Stop this forward momentum for a while and just enjoy where you are in life -- it's a heck of a nice place!