Monday, November 5


I know that sometimes my life is like a dream, and indeed it is because it has to end. Now I am back to my real life -- school, or more boringly, thesis -- that requires energy and patience to read, write and think. It takes lots of energy and thought to find an idea of what to focus for my thesis. I've been juggling for days reading, discussing thru YM and Skype with people back home, writing, and contemplating about things I want to research on, but it always end up with big CONFUSION.

Feel like I wanna pack and leave. I feel lost and hopeless for not knowing what to do and where to start. My adorable supervisor is now in Nigeria (not even back at school!) until December, and it makes me feel even more lost (Hey Mam, hello... can you here me with my problem here?? I am lost. L..O..S..T.. Can you show me the way?)

Now it occupies my mind. This theory that I have not certainly found. I am drawn. Blubb..blub...blubb..