Sunday, May 13

Jatterolig, Jattekul!

It was so fun last night! We had a party after we lost a football game with downstair corridor. The rule of the game was: the loser throw a party. So there we were, throwing a party for people downstairs..

Anyway we lost in the game because Haris was not there (yeah Haris, where were you??), Danial was injured, Martin was injured, and Malvina was not there. So our team's strength was not perfect. Moreover when we knew since the beginning that Haris won't play, we were down already..

But it was okay. The night was even more fun than the game! Vi ar glad. Vi dansar och nagra bara glommar bort sina benskadar. Allihopa ar fullar. Jag ar full ocksa. Det ar jatteroligt. Jag alskar det! Yeah, we are such a happy family..

Jag ska skatt rolig tiden med allihopa har. I'm gonna miss you badly, guys! Vi har god moment tillsamans!

Monday, May 7

My First (burnt) Muffin

Been a long time that I wanted to bake muffins. I love muffins since I was in Bandung. I went to LIA for English course and had muffin at Dunkin Donuts after class. Was sooo good. Here I usually have muffin for breakfast (yeah grab and go from the gym!) or just with a cup of coffee. Maybe the best muffin I had was the one I shared with Kristina at Stadsbiblioteket few weeks ago. It was blueberry muffin with butter inside. We shared that single muffin and it tasted even better than the usual muffin (I was too broke to buy one..)

I like to have muffin with lots of butter. I love butter too. So much. So I decided to bake muffin myself and have butter as much as I want. I searched the menu in the internet, this time it's Banana and Chocolate Chips Muffin. I consulted Tomomi for detailed instruction and moral support. Haha..

There I was, everything was set, all ingredients were mixed and put in the oven for 22-25 minutes.

I was not patient enough so at the 20th minute I went to take the muffins out. Oh My God, they were BURNT! Sh*t! what did I do?? I thought I followed all the instruction, but why?? I stared at my muffins and felt so sad. I took one and tried it. Was burnt at the top but the inside was perfect. It was good though. But not perfect. I liked the combination between banana and chocolate chip but still.. it was b..u..r..n..t. (My corridor mate tried it too and he said that it was good. I know he just tried to be nice..).

But anyway, later on the day I decided to be proud of myself. For me, making muffins. My first baking trial. Never been interested to bake before but now I think it is quite okay. Tomomi said with baking, you'll always fail but it's okay. Alright, so I'm gonna text my mom that I might bake with her when I get back. She must be happy for this.


Anyway, I am still wondering how come the chocolate muffin at Sprak och Literature (SOL) biblioteket was so soft and yummy ?!?!

Chocolate Chip Banana Muffin

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup plain yogurt --> can have milk or egg instead
1 teaspoon vanilla extract --> not necessary
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips

In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine the egg, oil, yogurt and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in bananas and chocolate chips. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 350 degrees F for 22-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks.


Tuesday, May 1

Semangat Musim Semi

Kalau posting sebelumnya perasaan homesick melanda dengan amat sangat, kali ini keadaan sedikit berubah. Rindu kampung halaman masih ada, tapi rasa itu sedikit terobati dengan semangat musim semi (it's spring time! Yeah!), sunny-longer days (walaupun tetep dingin) dan aktivitas outdoor yang beragam. Pokoknya udara yang cerah dan matahari yang bersinar tanpa malu-malu membuat kita selalu pengen berada di luar ruangan dan beraktivitas, tanpa sadar sebenarnya jam sudah menunjukkan jam 9 malam.

Di Swedia ada peringatan untuk menyambut musim semi pada tiap tanggal 30 April. Mereka menyebutnya Sista April (The Last April) atau Valborg (katanya ini nama salah satu Saint, tapi gue tanya2 temen2 yang asalnya dari sini, mereka juga gak tau. Di Wikipedia itu malah dibilang May Day. Bingung..). Sista April dirayakan untuk menyambut datangnya spring, dan orang-orang pergi ke taman kota, minum2 sedari pagi, picnic, dan bersenang-senang di sana. Seru dan menyenangkan, apalagi melihat bagaimana orang-orang di sini meng-appreciate matahari. Basically they do miss the sun so much. Ada matahari sedikit langsung berjemur, sun bathing dengan bikini mereka, bbq, main kasti atau main bola.

Begitu juga dengan kami, 15 orang mahasiswa penghuni koridor Vildanden. Kita main bola for fun. Seru juga. Awalnya nervous karena nafas ini sudah pendek, wong jalan ke kampus aja capeknya setengah mati... But surprisingly I could still run in my late 20s and I made a score! Gak disangka2 ternyata gue punya bakat terpendam sebagai pemain bola. Haha.Setelah main bola kita bbq-an di taman. Ceritanya we meant to appreciate the weather, tapi tetep aja dingin.. Bbrrrr..

After all the fun we had, ternyata setelah itu badan gue sakit-sakit semua, dan kalo udah gitu baru tersadar kalo umur sudah mulai senja.. Biasanya kalau di Jakarta, setiap badan mulai sakit-sakit gue langsung meluncur untuk massage atau creambath. Tapi kali ini, mana mungkin? Massage mahal banget dan gak ada yang melumuri badan kita dengan minyak telon atau parem kocok.. Ughh... jadi homesick lagi deh...

Anyways, it was fun, really. And the thing that I made a score was really cool! Not bad for a 30 years old-woman to be. :)