Sunday, October 29

Sometimes (Gabrielle)

We’ve come too far we can’t turn back
Have our good days, have our bad
When I’m feeling blue
You say that I’m hurting you
We try so hard not to fight

But sometimes we cross the line
And I wanna leave
But you
Won’t let me
We have our highs and lows
Just like everybody else
Doesn’t mean that we walk away
We work through our mistakes

Sometimes I love you
Sometimes I don’t
But I never ever
Never want to let you go
The road’s not easy
But the feeling’s strong
It’s the little things that keep me holding on

We’re both guilty of mistakes
Though you rarely take the blame
Are you coming through
I hate you
But it’s not mistakes in life you make
It’s the good you do along the way
The dues you pay

We have our highs and lows
Something everybody knows
Doesn’t mean that we run away
We work through our mistakes


Of all the crazy things in life there’s pain
It’s you and me
We’ve come so far sometimes I can’t believe
That I wouldn’t change a thing

Chorus x 3

(Oh, I love Gabrielle!!)

Saturday, October 14

Cross the Sea, Fly over the Sky

Cross the sea, fly over the sky
See the world where we live in
Constant change but still behold the truth
To create new fantasies

Keep the strength, we've got to move on
We'll never be left behind
Put our arms around the land and sea
Bring lights to the world

We're together making forward steps
International relations
Holding hands touching their hearts
Showing them our pride

Reach for the world for the better future
Make our dreams come true

(Hymne HI Unpad)


Foto di atas adalah foto gedung rektorat Lund Uni, biasa kita sebut Main University Building. Tapi pas gue liat foto ini, gue justru malah inget hymne HI Unpad. Kayaknya kalimat pertama hymne itu yang bikin gue terhenyak: "Cross the sea fly over the sky"... Well, here I am, I've crossed the sea and flown over the sky. So what's next?

Merinding rasanya begitu terngiang lagu ini dan inget jauhnya 'perjalanan' untuk bisa ke sini. Merinding dan nelangsa juga rasanya ketika inget diskusi di kelas dan bacaan tentang rural development yang ternyata susah dan bingung untuk diimplementasikan (gue bisa lihat betapa frustasinya dosen gue ketika ngomongin rural development di Afrika yang gak bisa sesukses di Asia). Jadi inget pas diskusi di kelas anak2 ngomong dengan lancarnya ttg kondisi sekolah di Guatemala yang jelek dan gak ada infrastruktur sama sekali. Dan gue ngeri banget ketika dalam diskusi di kelompok itu mereka dengan gampangnya menyuguhkan solusi untuk sekolah di Guatemala (dengan uang US 50 juta): "build school, build roads, train teachers!".

Inget muka dosen gue yang keliatan frustasi, gue bisa ngerti apa yang ada di pikiran dia. Gue inget tsunami di Aceh, dan terbaru di Pangandaran. Inget anak2 sekolah alam Butet Manurung (eh, bener sekolah alam ya namanya?), dan gue inget fotonya Luke ttg anak2 yang mengekspresikan perasaannya ttg tsunami lewat gambar. Gue masih kebayang kondisi sekolah di tempat gue KKN dulu di mana anak2 harus bawa batubata dari rumah ke sekolah satu biji sehari.. Gak lupa juga usaha kita untuk melalui masa2 sulit, kebayang temen2 yang ada di Aceh, temen kantor yang pergi ke Bali setelah bom bali ke-2, yang pergi ke Pangandaran, dll.. Terbayang juga diskusi di kantor tentang susahnya disburse uang untuk satu program pendidikan ke institusi terkait, panjangnya negosiasi donor-recipient countries, njelimetnya making that "build school" panacea for education into reality.. Oh my God, they just dont know how difficult it is...

Goosebumps.... even if you have money to donate, it's still difficult to make it real. Hymne ini bikin gue bertanya2 dalam hati: I've crossed the sea and flown over the sky, will we be able to reach a better world and make our dreams come true?

Monday, October 9

For Sasha

Look at the three balloons
Hope you can see them, Sasha
It was in Lund, at one late afternoon
I took the picture for you
Against the cold wind in autumn
And hope that
I can still hear you say "wow.. balloons!"

And look at the other picture
It's a moon
I can also remember how you pronounce "moown" for moon
It was a midnight moon in Malmo
I took it for you and for our beloved ones
Thought that the same moon has been to Jakarta
and then to Singapore
and then to Sweden
We saw the same moon, Sasha

Let's look at the moon if we miss each other
So at least we know we share the same moon, the same sky
We are still under the same universe...

I miss you, BIG girl!

PS. Alim, thanks for the inspiration